Monday, January 25, 2010


When we empty out that which is taking up space in our lives (internally and in our environment) we remove the block to having that which is new.

It is in clearing, that we take stock of that which no longer becomes us and no longer serves us. Clearing can take on the form of physically throwing something away, and it can be mental housekeeping in which old thoughts and beliefs are discarded.

That which is new may enter like a quiet visitor or a beautifully wrapped package with layers to unpack before the gift is seen. It can also come in like a quiet storm or explosion turning one’s world upside-down. Therefore, I would suggest that you pray before you begin to clean and clear things out. Pray as a step of preparation. Pray for the readiness to handle what comes in, and for protection. Be mindful: as you put things out, bless them, and be grateful that you had them. As you make room, bless the space in your home and being – Maybe that will ease the touch.

To empty out can be worth every minute of it. New, what is next? Is it mastery? Let Go and Empty Out.

Dr. Ethel Drayton-Craig

Monday, January 18, 2010


I ponder my Life and compare my blessings to the urgent needs of others who are suffering. I, no doubt, am among the blessed and wealthy by virtue of the quality of Life I enjoy daily – even when I think things aren’t so hot. All pale in comparison when I see the face of abject poverty. This past week I noticed that I did not rush to the grocery store. I was not eager to order any merchandise from catalogs already sporting what is new for spring. I looked upon my simple grapefruit and bowl of oatmeal as a virtual feast. My nutritional supplements became a luxury. The things around the house that I thought needed to be repaired, replaced, or updated seemed to be just fine.

I kept my numerous appointments and I noticed how many meetings were lunches in restaurants or catered. What did not get consumed may have been left for staff – but at the end of the day it would have been discarded.

Yet, how can I ease someone else’s pain? How can I end someone else’s suffering in the world beyond sending contributions in a time of crisis? I am here. Time will go on. Will I forget until the next world crisis how blessed I am in every minute of my Life? What is my lesson?

Dr. Ethel Drayton-Craig

Monday, January 11, 2010


I conducted a workshop for the sales staff of an insurance company on their personal relationship to money. One of the interactive group exercises was designed to provide a personal snapshot of how the individual behaves with money and other people.

There was a post-exercise debriefing in which participants described their reactions to the instructions, the exercise, and their interaction to fellow human beings. They were able to see how they related to people when money was involved.

Then an interesting thing happened. One person dismissed the previous 20 minutes of the exercise as not counting because it really wasn’t his Life. Even though he participated, he did not see that twenty minutes as part of his Life. While others could understand that the way they engaged others during the exercise was how they engage others in their daily lives, this gentleman dismissed the exercise and said it did not count. When queried about whose Life he was living during those 20 minutes, if not his own, he still dismissed it.

That is where he stopped in his relationships. He made some count and others did not count. Some were worth his whole self and those that did not count were dismissed in his mind as not part of his Life – even if he was the one interacting with the person. He dismissed 20 minutes of his Life as well as his interaction with another human being: So much for compartmentalized thinking.

Here is a lesson from Life 101:
The final curtain will fall. When it does, even if everyone is standing in applause for how you lived your Life, there is no encore!

Dr. Ethel Drayton-Craig

Monday, January 4, 2010



I had a recent conversation with someone about what that person might like to do over the next ten years of working before retirement. In this case, the children were grown and had completed their education. The individual wanted to do something else, yet, some of the usual considerations were keeping this person from seriously contemplating what would bring personal fulfillment and be meaningful in the way work.

This is where soul searching and prayerful contemplation can help one to discover what to do to fulfill one’s purpose. Unlike goals, your purpose is a constant and keeps going. Goals, on the other hand, get completed and new goals are created. Being on purpose is the compass for your Life. You can do many things over the years and still be on track with your purpose for being.

Fear is the biggest thing that holds people back from venturing forth in their lives. We often settle for so little in fulfillment because we fear the unknown and we fear making a mistake.

One of the things I mention about Goal Setting – Action Plan and Due Dates, on my website ( is that before you venture forth you want to align your goals with your principles so that you can experience inner and outer harmony when you achieve them. Choosing goals that are dissonant to your core values will more than likely bring unhappiness if they manifest at all. I suggest that the first place to start is to ask God to guide you to know what you should seek in your Life.

When I have done this and know what it is that I am to do, my trust that God will provide allows me to venture forth and begin the process of getting past the fears that keep me stuck. Might you desire to do something with your Life and are you holding back? What are your thoughts?

Dr. Ethel Drayton-Craig