Many a good idea longs to be brought to fruition, but does not manifest as fruit because its owner does not take the risk to take actions to bring it into manifestation. Or, its owner does not stand the test of time to weather the set-backs and delays in having it come to fruition. I have come to learn that it takes a vision with action, along with tenacity, to see a goal through to its end. In addition, it takes an abiding faith in God to weather the process.
I have seen people give up on dreams just short of their realization, sometimes never realizing how close they were. The hardest part can be near the end. It can also be at the beginning or in the middle. There are also times, when the entire journey to create something is one struggle after another and there are no easier periods in the process.
During my walk today, I remembered a journey I took to France many years ago and how incredibly hard the first day of my adventure had been from the time I arrived. The playback in my mind’s eye this morning was of me at my wit’s end late that afternoon driving to a particular location. With everything going wrong, especially with my vehicle, I was contemplating throwing in the towel and aborting the journey. As I sat in the center of what seemed like the biggest gridlock I had ever seen (caused by my lifeless car in the middle of the intersection), I just wanted to give up. At that time, images ran in my mind about how to leave the vehicle with the keys right there and walk away. Then something came over me and I breathed deeply with a momentary sense that I should try again to get the vehicle to start. I tried, and this time it did. As the traffic began to flow again, I found that the very next intersection was the street I had been seeking the entire drive. I was one street away from my destination when I contemplated giving up. I truly came so close to where I needed to be, yet, in my mind I was so far away that I was ready to give up.
The process of awaiting the release of my book, Stepping Stones To Success, was also a challenge. While things had progressed nicely all along, near the end of the process there were delays upon delays. I had signing events scheduled since May but as we approached May, then June, week after week, I had to cancel these events and wait. It was literally out of my hands, so there was nothing physically that I could do to make things happen. It took my steadfast faith that God is in charge and things materialize on His schedule, not mine. Things finally did work out and I am happy to announce my book signing tour: Click here for the schedule
I am required to have the vision, take the actions to create it, keep the faith, and wait patiently for the Harvest. God brings forth His fruit in His season.
© Dr. Drayton-Craig, 2010