Last week I spent a delightful evening with friends. Our conversation was about the chance encounters we have in Life with others and how they blossom into overlapping networks of people who have “chance” encounters with people already connected by chance.
It has been mind boggling to notice how this occurs. Remarkably, one friend made reference to the famous quote about commitment that I wrote about a few weeks ago – only this person hadn’t read that blog. Yes, these connections are the kind of things that are referred to by W. H. Murray, “…all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way,” as he described what is born out of commitment.
I invite you to notice where chance encounters have occurred this year and how they are blossoming in ways that you would have never expected. Perhaps, some chance encounter from years ago has found a way to overlap with someone or some experience currently.
As we find ourselves in a season of thanksgiving, hope, reflection, and assessing our lives for goal setting for the New Year, take time to reflect on the chance occurrences you have taken for granted and welcome their gifts with thanks.
© Dr. Drayton-Craig, 2010