Monday, December 27, 2010


     As we wind down the year, one of my soothing tasks is to take a pen and pad and write a list, sentence after sentence, of all the things I am grateful for while scanning the events of my Life over the year. 

     I began the task this morning and I have already filled up 4 pages, front and back.  I haven’t read them out loud yet, and I am sure that I will feel so very blessed when I do.

     The people with whom I have interacted and the experiences I have had show me the good, the kindness, the forgiveness, the support, the vast richness and love we have given each other.

     My wish is that you have been equally blessed and that your joys, good health, love, peace, and prosperity cannot be contained in 2011, such that your good runneth over!

     Happy New Year!

© Dr. Drayton-Craig, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010


          While taking my walk the other day, I met a friend and asked, “How are you?”   The reply was, “Not so good, I’ve had a bad couple of days.”  Inquiring further, I learned that this person is sad this Christmas season because of a relationship that ended at the start of the summer.  We had spoken about that on previous occasions and I assumed my friend was moving on with Life.

     As we spoke, it became evident that my friend is gearing up for a miserable Christmas day, so much so, that this person plans to keep the radio and television off that day and paint a room to “forget” that it is Christmas.  I offered several suggestions of things to do to have a meaningful day that would add sunshine to this person’s experience, as well as to others.  Yet, it did not take long for me to realize that my friend was more committed to being miserable than to having an ok day, or even a joyous day. 

     I told this person that painting a room on Christmas day was not appropriate and certainly would not change the fact that it was Christmas.  In addition, if a room needed to be painted, paint it now and spend the day making others happy on Christmas…referring to my previous blog.  I pointed out how blessed this person was and is, as I referred to my personal friends who have just buried a son, buried a mother and grandmother, is having surgery today for cancer, and is having surgery about 2 days before Christmas. 

     I walked away, giving this one an “assignment” in planning for a different day than the one being created.  We laughed as we parted and I continued my walk, not sure what this person would do.  I reflected on the experience the rest of the way.  I thought to myself, that interaction was a blessing for me, in that I could look in the mirror.  We always have mirrors in our relationships with others.  It affirmed for me that the season and Christmas day has nothing to do with me, my circumstances, or us.  It is about the birth of Jesus, the Christ.  That is the celebration.  The hope and Light of this birth makes any personal issue pale in comparison.

     The season is one that finds people in all sorts of circumstances: career, health, finances, relationships, family, and housing.  If you celebrate Christmas, it is not about any of these.  It is not about Santa Claus or presents.  It is about His presence…His birth.

     Choose to live the day as a Blessing to someone, including you.

© Dr. Drayton-Craig, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010


     We have become a society of mall driven consumers during the month of December.  While those who have an abundance of money can afford to shop, and shop some more, and shop even more than that, those who find themselves unemployed and now without unemployment benefits have the additional stress of finding ways to enjoy the season without income. 

     I suggest a 20-day or 30-day diet that has nothing to do with food and everything to do with finding inspirational reading, conversations, and entertainment for that period of time.  If you can avoid the news for the duration, so much the better!  If you must tune into the news or read the newspaper, take only a small dose of it.  These actions will go a long way to help you keep your spirits up.

     During this time, rise early as you did when you were employed, spend time in quiet contemplation to start your day, and dress as if you were going to work.  Spend the morning doing the necessary actions to assist you in the job search:  researching companies, writing letters, making phone calls, and networking, to name a few.

     Take time in the afternoon to walk outside daily.  The fresh air will do you a world of good.  Then go places that will help you stay connected to seeing and interacting with people:  bookstores have tables where you can sit and read books and magazines, and libraries, too.  Both are free.  Getting out daily will lift your spirits.

     When it comes to gift giving, think of things that will be free or under $5 dollars, such as visiting with people who are elderly or shut in.  When visiting others, rather than bringing a gift, offer to do something with them (accompany them to an appointment, run errands for them, clean a room for them, fix something for them).  Take them a package of tea or a few packs of tea in a mug, with festive wrap.

     Consider giving family members and friends a gift wrapped talent: A lovely card or note in a small box or gift bag that says how you will share your talent with that person.

     Give yourself away:  VOLUNTEER.  Organize or join a toy drive or visit a pediatric hospital ward, or nursing home.  Read a book to the patient or resident.

     Bake something and give this as a gift to a friend.

     Make something to give someone: a simple wood craft, place mats of fabric or other material, decorate empty bottles with beautiful cut-out magazine pictures that are glued on and then covered with shellac. Make a pot holder mitt by hand.

     Most important, before you go to bed each night, find one thing, however small, to tell yourself that you accomplished that day.  In addition, find one thing for which you are grateful.  Keep a daily log or journal during these 20 days or 30 days, and record both of these items.

     Wishing you creative joy during this season.


© Dr. Drayton-Craig, 2010