Monday, June 18, 2012


Living An Exquisite Life ™

     Exquisite living is for today…not tomorrow.  How are you living today with what you have?  Do you go about your life with exquisiteness?

     To live exquisitely we don’t have to acquire things to get to some other point.  While we have goals and visions for the future, there is no place that we must arrive, nor something we must obtain before we can start to live exquisitely. 

     Tomorrow is not promised.  Are you giving yourself the quality that you deserve today?

     One suggestion is to savor the moment.  Along the road of achievement, savor those moments that allow you to see how far you have come and how many things have been accomplished, even if there is further to go.   More on this topic in my article, Giving Yourself Credit When Credit is Due,  written for BlackLifeCoaches.Net 

     Also, Dr. Ethel Drayton-Craig’s Signature System, Living An Exquisite Life ™, will give you
the keys to living exquisitely.  For more information about how to book Dr. Drayton-Craig for a speaking engagement write,, or call, 484.695.1453.

© Dr. Ethel Drayton-Craig, 2012
Living An Exquisite Life ™