Monday, May 17, 2010


I was a keynote speaker this past weekend at a church women’s luncheon. In that speech, I explored daily practices that would encourage their spirit and ensure execution of their authority in the Kingdom of God so that they could produce the things they desired in their lives for the glory of the Lord.

In the list of things was my suggestion to: Enjoy the things with which you have been Blessed.

I asked, “What things do you own that you never use? Why? For what are you saving them? Do you own things that you find are too good to use? Finally, “What does that say about how you value yourself, or your trust in the Lord’s ability to add to you and to give you increase?”

I spoke about my grandmother who had a long, rose colored chenille bathrobe that was kept in a mysterious hall closet with a skeleton key, when I was a child. She would say, “That robe is for when I get sick.” Or, “in case I have to go to the hospital (she wanted to look good).”

She was basically in good health during her Life, yet, about once a year she would take to the bed with her rose robe and be ill for 3 or 4 days, with moaning, upset stomach, and everyone tending to her. The robe would never be used the rest of the year.

In her later years, it went with her to the hospital for the various times she had eye surgery – and she would moan and get into character of being really sick. Likewise, she had sets of towels that never got used because they were “for company”, or they were “for display”.

What do you have that could add to the fullness of your Life that is locked in a closet, on display in the china closet, or wrapped somewhere and out of sight?

You can’t recapture today.

© Dr. Drayton-Craig, 2010


  1. I would also like to add don't forget to stop and smell the roses. there are many things that bring us pleasure if we just take the time to notice them. I like to call them " Free Guilty Pleasures"and they happen all the time. Examples are the smell of laundry hanging on the line, watching a plant grow, going to sleep in freshly made bed. There are many they are always around you just have to stop and smell the roses.

  2. Moving has been a great opportunity to inventory what I have and get to use some things that had been tucked away. Toss the broken, chipped stuff and use the good stuff!
